First time here? Or followed me down a not-so-dark alley of the Internet in 2019? In 2019, I set an admittedly ambitious 19 goals for the year. You can explore them all here.
Now that it’s been nearly a year since hitting that first “publish”, and the calendar has turned, it’s time for a new round of goals. (And yes, a new reflection of 2019 will happen eventually.)
The over-arching themes of my website life remain the same: creating, exploring, learning, moving, and serving are key actions that inspire and shape my personal and professional goals.
The structure of 2020’s vision? Intentionally pairing goals with values. I want to lead a life that is motivated not just by what feels good but what’s right. For me, that’s using my life philosophies (values) to shape my habits (goals) so others can be inspired to action.
VALUE: My work matters more than titles.
GOAL: Publish articles on multiple channels.
Words can shape the world! I want to lean into writing this year and hope to publish on other channels beyond this site. Do I reach out to my college’s ever-growing network? I already publish there and wrote campus news. Now as an alumna, do I have a unique voice? Do I use my words to advocate for human rights? Do I share my blog more on social media for the potential to reach more people? I’ll be starting with publishing my portfolio here!
VALUE: I have people, and people have me.
GOAL: Help 10 young professionals with their creative life goals.
This is a mighty to-do, and it’s only the second goal! I believe good work is part of a good life. And what better work than using creativity to serve others? While my work usually is helping fellow young professionals share their stories through helping create websites, editing works, or creative coaching, I help people of all ages. I’m currently creating payment plans.
VALUE: Say yes to travel. Always.
GOAL: Visit Ohio, Ireland, Grand Rapids, and Portland.
There are so many places to explore! In 2019, I traveled by myself and loved learning how I physically and mentally navigated. I’ve spoken to friends for their travel goals and will be joining the fun as a team for 2 of these spots. Each hits different passions, like hiking in Portland, having a concert-filled weekend in Ohio, trekking through Ireland, and brewing in Grand Rapids. So my next steps are planning an extended weekend with my long-lost best friend in Beer City!
VALUE: My home is my sanctuary.
GOAL: Find and create safe spaces.
On a surface level, this feels like a physical goal, but it’s really about my mental drive to have places fellow creatives and I can go to. I dived into minimalism and essentialism last year, leading me to declutter almost everything of my home, beyond some mementos. My home is still my place, but I hope to create a digital, and perhaps even physical, creative coalition. So, my next step is to polish my place for those who’ve I opened the door and find (or develop) new safe spaces.
VALUE: My curiosity and creativity belong outside my head.
GOAL: Try slam, writing lyrics, and book writing.
Ooofdah! This entire website is an extension of this value. But it’s not enough. Similar to the goal of publishing on external channels, I want to use my words for others. But words belong on so many mediums. So, I see this goal as a way to build confidence in performing. Kaylie the Blogger can also be Kaylie the Poet, Kaylie the Lyricist, and Kaylie the Author. The next steps? This one’s a bit tough because it dives into life goals but doesn’t provide specific structure. It is a lot of individual work, as well, but then dependent on an audience for slam, a producer (or even a singer) for the lyrics, and… not much for a book. I think I’ll start there.
VALUE: Eating well is self-care.
GOAL: Learn to make veggie-friendly meals.
Since Thanksgiving, I have eaten a salad every day! While I am no longer a vegetarian, I have found my focus on fresh fruit and veggies has helped rejuvenate my energy. It simultaneously helps me focus on other goals. This goal represents how small shifts affect the big picture. So, I’m buying groceries more regularly (next step: shopping on schedule with a list?). Trying to remember water! And learning to love cooking, just for me!
VALUE: I am what I repeatedly do.
GOAL: Habit stack work, working out, and service work.
This goal represents a great day of combining work for others and myself, so I’m doing what’s meaningful and money-making regularly. “Habit stacking” means I will be using cues from one single-tasked activity to lead into the next. I know I struggle with sitting down if I consider a task lacking in meaning (a topic for another time, anyone?), but I best use my energy when I feel the work is productive, scheduled, and using my talents. So the next step is not denying this energy and keeping track of how I perform and habit stack. I already track workouts, but what else can I track and stack to live, single-task, and work better?
VALUE: I have a choice to start, stop, or keep going.
GOAL: Learn who and what matter in 2020.
This might be the most generic of all my values yet one of the most beneficial. It’s perhaps ironic that I listed it in MOVE because energy is a natural state of being for me, but this goal is about giving myself time to celebrate, introspect, and honor what I have and haven’t done. It leaves room for change, choice, and chance. Dear Reader, I haven’t written too much about stopping a title or habit. Is this something of interest to you? I often write on starting and doing. Share with a comment.
VALUE: I can only save myself.
GOAL: Schedule a day for each value.
I am very internally driven and often create rules and rituals, down to the minute, so I can focus. But do I have a day for myself? Do I have a day devoted to learning? Creating? That’s what I am mapping out now! Themes help me set the tone for the day. Does anyone give themselves agendas or assignments? I do!
VALUE: My obsessions create progress.
GOAL: Debunk aspects of homelessness in my town.
I volunteer regularly at a food pantry where we serve people from all walks of life. I have a HUGE idea to help small business owners and individuals without homes. I will be extending my network for this goal, including some wonderful, like-minded folks I do and do not know personally. I truly believe my life’s work is to blend communications and business so communities are stronger. I can’t wait to start with this mighty goal.
What are you working on in 2020? Do you have a clear vision on how to use your energy, talents, and people? Do you need help? Share by leaving a comment. Hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2020!
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