Staying grounded in the present takes diligence, day by day, to see, create, and manifest glimmers. I see glimmers as the not-quite opposite of triggers. Glimmers are pockets of joy. Think, the sun shining through an otherwise blustery day. A coupon for a free veggie burger. Spring making a quiet entrance (or sometimes, a loud one: Did you remember to spring forward for daylight savings? I thought we got rid of that. Anyway…)
Gritty or glimmering, these moments bring presence when seemingly everything is out-of-sorts. Glimmers are what we all need and want, especially now.
As I started 2025 with the overarching goal to embrace “open-hearted” living for my word for the year, I am actively aligning my behaviors with my beliefs about myself and the world. I believe so much is still changeable, or at least within my control. Even as much is shutting down, where jobs are yanked, womxn’s rights are somehow a question (what?), and tears are just a natural state of life.
Yet I am still here. Rebellious, open-hearted, and ready to try to still be the change. I am proactively finding people like me (and not like me) to stand with, shoulder to shoulder. That’s because I am STILL co-creating a life I want. One that is aligned with my beliefs. I am not just doing well, I am well, most of the time.
It took a while to get to this grounded, absolutely (though not always relatively) peaceful state of being. Some of my old beliefs are limiting and don’t serve me anymore. Reforming from “yes-woman” mentality takes time. I am learning that people-pleasing is insidious, manipulative even. It’s me trying to control the narrative. And I’ve had it, when I want to be present instead.
What does that look like? Instead of being angry, at myself and/or the state of the nation, it’s time to defend what I believe in, saying “he!! no” to what’s no longer working. Being present means letting the tears, words, former identities fall.
Much of these experiences are intrapersonal. This International Womxn’s Month, I am celebrating the little wins, moving forward, and being grounded in the fact that I am still, in fact, a work in progress. Maybe you need a little win? Here’s one, from Rhode Island: Gender-Affirming Care from the state’s Attorney Office.
Need some inspo to see, create, or cultivate little wins? Here’s how I am striving to be open-hearted and present this month:
- Letting go of people-pleasing and instead qualifying options, such as creating boundaries around dog-sitting gigs
- Setting and making obtainable goals – not just the “should’s” or what “could-be’s”, but I am working on what’s doable, here and now
- Cultivating spaces for little glimmers – coffee talks over CVs, lately
- Taking advantage of the physical resources I have easy-ish access to – gym/latest sunshine, sharing spaces with my roomies and partner, and career centers
- Listening, talking, crying, laughing… pretty much on repeat
- Chanting (out loud!), praying, and being open to the cosmos in general
- Taking a mental health day tomorrow (this might be my first one, ever)
- Celebrating my people, including perhaps most importantly myself
Here for you.