Wow. 2024 was an exceptional year. And I know this is not the case for everyone. I learned how to make apologies. I chose sobriety, day after day. My spirituality deepened, thanks in part to this choice. But it’s also thanks to trusting God, going to church almost every week, and learning how to chant…
Systems Review: Behaviors, then Beliefs
We’re hours away from 2025, and I’m on my last systems review for the year! I tried color-coded calendars, both physical and digital. I’ve tried chunking and blocking my various job and class schedules. Ever an accountibilibuddy, I’ve texted, coffee chatted, and Zoomed with friends to support their goals. I am proud of MANY of…
Still writing… for me
This marks my potentially penultimate post of the year! While I have posted on the 10th, 20th, and 30th (well, 29th on February!) every single month of 2024, I only shared to socials a few times, forwarded a handful of hyperlinks to my homies, and have only received feedback from a few people who have…
Experiment: Reflecting on Word for 2024
My word for 2024 is “experiment.” Action-oriented and creatively driven, here’s a bunch of experiments from the last year. This year, I learned how much I value feedback, so in the spirit of sharing, I might even add to social media. Health journeys: Career reviews: Creative experiments: Spiritual growth: Interpersonal changes: There are so many…
Systems Review: Scheduling Whim
Making time for adventures includes spontaneity. I consider what I want and need and shape a schedule around both. My partner and I are gallivanting through California all week. I’m feeling grateful for having just enough planned, plenty of quality time with family, dogs, friends, and each other. We set an agenda and maintained much,…
Still writing… research reflection
I just finished quarter four of a six quarter master’s program in library and information science. Over the last three months, I’ve dove into scholarly communications, digital libraries, and collections management. Much of my time was spent staring at a screen, unlearning everything I thought I knew about academic publishing. After infinite research on open…
Experiment: Time
2024 is nearing a close, and so is my word for the year, experiment. In the last month, I have looked at time. Creating time. Making time. Spending time. In October, I created time by… waking up early. A morning person, I love the quiet before the world wakens. My partner has been chanting and…
Systems Review: Metaphor of the Bucket
What bucket are you in? I’m not a fan of life as metaphor. But maybe life is full of buckets, and we carry ’em based on the position(s) we’re in and people we’re with. I’ve never been one to compartmentalize my life. “Everything means everything” croons Matt of the National, in one of my favorite…
Omit to Commit: Still writing… research papers
This quarter has kicked me in the behind. But I am still here, writing away. The writing changes when I realize the research is an extension of my gifts. Such papers are ways of using my gifts. Life started changing when I started choosing myself first. And writing is a direct extension of that. It’s…
Experiment: Need and Time
Today’s my 32nd birthday. And right here, right now, is… My partner using a makeshift-Photoshop-alike to superimpose pics together in silly celebration of the day. Or just be, erm, crafty in these software skills. 32 also looks like lingering over coffee, life-talking on spirituality and how to possibly reframe work as part of play. The…