First time here? Or followed me down a not-so-dark alley of the Internet in 2019? In 2019, I set an admittedly ambitious 19 goals for the year. You can explore them all here. Now that it’s been nearly a year since hitting that first “publish”, and the calendar has turned, it’s time for a new…
Why I don’t share every accomplishment via pixels
Happy 2020, everyone! In this New Year, it seems all of my Facebook friends have reflected on either A. all their accomplishments or B. their sense of dread at seeing option A everywhere. Let’s stop and think about this. We live in a world that values not only work, but presenting it to others, often…
Why I write every week
Why am I here? Tough question, to ask why you’re here, in this life or even under the clarification of “here online”, it’s a question of purpose and motivation. But I’ve been thinking about why I do what I do, whether it’s for a paycheck or not. What gets me up in the morning, what…
The vulnerability of publicly sharing your story
Over the last month, I promoted my website to my social media followers, met with some new and old friends on communications projects, and have given a lot of head-space to what you’re reading right now. In honor of this baby’s 6-month birthday, I felt compelled to share my website to my small, very much…
The art of single-tasking
I write this after a workout. While alternating between leg curl and its partner, leg extension, I listen to Trevor Noah philosophize with his “good friends” on the (de)merits of social media and consider the scribbles you’re now reading. Moments later, I’m waiting for dinner: my boyfriend’s redrafting, and I’m tapping away, inspired by those…
Creatively stuck? Ask yourself these 3 questions
August is almost over. And to some, that means summer is over. How do you feel? Are you prepping for school, another quarter, or some other life change? I always use this time to check-in. This week’s been full of creative connections. I’ve had many conversations that led to, “how do YOU do it?” The…
Shift your schedule to get your goals done!
It’s been five years since my last First Day of School. Stores began stocking notebooks, binders, and pens in every color. And soon, my suburban neighborhood will be flocked with children at every corner, waiting for the bus. I always started school in August, even in college, and this time always makes me reconsider my…
How to use your values to inspire creative entrepreneurship
When you’re first starting your own entrepreneurial journey as a creative, it’s good to know your physical goals. I know mine is to help 19 people shape their schedules to reignite creativity to their lives. Yours might be sustainably creating. Or selling your art, without a middleman or processing fees. But do you know your…
How camping can become a minimalist activity
I went camping this weekend and will be visiting another new city later this week! One of my core values is exploring, and I recently dived into mini-adventures. I made it a summer goal to be outside as much as possible, and one of my year-long goals is to explore a new location every week….
How the creative process is like picking raspberries
I take a lot of inspiration from my dad. He helped nurture my creativity. When I visited my parents’ home today, he and I picked raspberries. As we searched for the berries while snagging our legs and staining our clothes, we talked about the creative process, birthing a bountiful metaphor and the start of a…