This marks my potentially penultimate post of the year!
While I have posted on the 10th, 20th, and 30th (well, 29th on February!) every single month of 2024, I only shared to socials a few times, forwarded a handful of hyperlinks to my homies, and have only received feedback from a few people who have reached out to me, unprompted. Yet I am still grateful.
Because at the end of the day, this website is for me. It can be for you, too. (Sup?)
Behind the scenes (screens?), I have tested a bunch of code, added and deleted pages, and redesigned my homepage. As a result, I started working on others’ sites. In my Library and Information Science (LIS) program, I took a Web Content Management course, which was gratifying to apply my marketing experience to LIS. There, UX was the bridge. I’m not quite over the bridge to LIS yet. A fine metaphor for knowing change is happening, soon.
Certainly, there are many changes ahead, including not knowing what to do with this website next year. So it’s only natural to ask myself (and I suppose, the interwebs) some questions about this here
- Will this site become the required LIS portfolio?
- How will my content calendar look?
- What content do you enjoy? Loath?
- Do I dare continue sharing on social media?
- Shall I make a separate website for my REstory goals?
- Since I’ve enjoyed setting and reflecting on words for the year, what will 2025’s be?
Feedback always welcome but no worries, if not. Because I’ll still be writing… for me.