I have many goals for the summer, with the ultimate endgame of using my time to be outside as much as possible, doing something local with good company.
When creating systems, I think of the endgame first and work backward.
What that looks like? Making habits as small and automatic as possible so that I get cues to work on them, track them, and do them again.
Inspiration System
If you’re read other posts, you know I don’t believe a “spark” of inspiration is necessary to continually create. What’s key for me is giving myself time and space to create, as well as cues. Art materials are ready for me at my writing desk. I have a notebook in my purse.
If you consider yourself an artist, you must do art. It is in your title (and your identity). It’s what you do. For me, it helps to have projects to track progress and the process. Andrea of Field Day Nature and I will be creating regularly in the months ahead. Check back soon for details.
Exercise System
I’ve written that I work out 4 times a week, and it’s a fantastic, automatic habit. I work out right after work (and dread the busyness) or right before bed (and feel wide awake as a result, and hope to spend that alertness reading). I’ve never written about my routine, and I am considering doing that in a future blog post (5/26/19 update: here it is). What’s key here is that living a healthy lifestyle is a big part of my identity.
I want to own the “runner” status. So, I hope to use my system and compete in a race, one of my long-term goals on this website. This one’s a little difficult: I don’t need to compete to fulfill this identity, but it is a project that excites me and a 19 for 2019 goal. I am also adjusting this system to consider the few months of sunshine hopefully coming my way this summer. I hope to find outdoor running buddies!
Support System
This one might seem out of place. It’s difficult to maintain truly transparent friendships as an adult. Life is busy. But I find I can make support systems by giving those I care about support by using my resources (space, time, and skills like editing). How? Scheduled check-ins, with seemingly instant feedback and proactive next-steps to short-term and long-term goals.
What does that look like? I want to be there for my people. Andrea and I meet every Tuesday for creative projects. My brother and I will be starting regular Wednesday check-ins, with the endgame of submitting his seminary applications. I will be helping various friends with their digital presences, including websites and resumes. And you can be a part of it, too! Apply online here if you’d like to work with me on a creative system.
Decluttering System
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel for every system. There’s a reason why KonMari Method is so popular, it works. I’m taking her suggestion of a 6-month time period and expediting it to 6 weeks, starting with clothes last week, electronics this week, and books? Terrifying, but that’s next.
The reason for the time crunch is two-fold: 1. It maximizes my excitement of decluttering. I can see how I want my home to feel, and my new creative projects will be using space. 2. An old friend is visiting in June, and I want to have my home be a resource for other people, too.
I’m excited to continue making systems to maximize life by automating habits and creating environments for growth. What are you working on this summer?