Staying grounded in the present takes diligence, day by day, to see, create, and manifest glimmers. I see glimmers as the not-quite opposite of triggers. Glimmers are pockets of joy. Think, the sun shining through an otherwise blustery day. A coupon for a free veggie burger. Spring making a quiet entrance (or sometimes, a loud…
Tag: people-pleasing
Systems Review: Learning to Say No by Asking 3 Questions
Every month in 2024, I am reviewing systems that empower me to live a values-driven life. Holistically driven, I try to see my inner (and external) workings as a system and part of a bigger system. We’re all space dust. In other words, I am a spiritual individual on a physical plane. And so are…
Omit to Commit: Still Writing, Embracing Change
Omit to Commit is all about the resources needed to opt into (and out of) behaviors, such as time, traditions (individual or group behaviors), trust, and treasures. By regularly making and breaking habits, life becomes more fulfilling and satisfying. I’m drafting a book called Omit to Commit, and in 2024, I’m posting research/your ideas/themes on the 20th…
Omit to Commit: Reflections and Research
Omit to Commit is all about the resources needed to opt into (and out of) behaviors, such as time, traditions (individual or group behaviors), trust, and treasures. By regularly making and breaking habits, life becomes more fulfilling and satisfying. I’m drafting a book called Omit to Commit, and in 2023, I’m posting research on the 20th of…
Receiving Grace through Rest and Remembering
It’s Wednesday, March 30th, so this is the first of 2 posts today. Read on for how I’m applying grace to rest, remembering, receiving, and responding. (I’ll also be sharing my last anticipated Womxn in Progress, highlighting my cousin Mikayla, so fill out the form here if you’d like to be featured in the future)….
2020 so far – Surrendering smaller habits for bigger goals
Alternative title: the struggle of saying, “no.” I am terrible at saying this. Even writing these first couple of sentences feels vulnerable. I know I am not alone in this battle: if I say, “yes” to every given opportunity, I show I am capable, reliable, and oh yeah, well-liked (or at least considered). Is always…