Wow. 2024 was an exceptional year. And I know this is not the case for everyone. I learned how to make apologies. I chose sobriety, day after day. My spirituality deepened, thanks in part to this choice. But it’s also thanks to trusting God, going to church almost every week, and learning how to chant…
Tag: word for the year
Experiment: Reflecting on Word for 2024
My word for 2024 is “experiment.” Action-oriented and creatively driven, here’s a bunch of experiments from the last year. This year, I learned how much I value feedback, so in the spirit of sharing, I might even add to social media. Health journeys: Career reviews: Creative experiments: Spiritual growth: Interpersonal changes: There are so many…
Experiment: Need and Time
Today’s my 32nd birthday. And right here, right now, is… My partner using a makeshift-Photoshop-alike to superimpose pics together in silly celebration of the day. Or just be, erm, crafty in these software skills. 32 also looks like lingering over coffee, life-talking on spirituality and how to possibly reframe work as part of play. The…
Experiment: Evolve and Need
“Experiment” is my word for 2024, encouraging play and curiosity of routines. What would happen if I asked myself, what do I truly need in this moment? Basic needs being met are key foundations to success, especially when things are new. And so much was new this year, from a deepened sense of faith to…
Experiment: Inventory and Mix
“Experiment” is my word for the year, encouraging play and curiosity of routines. The word sets my intent for the posts, as well as my micro-goals. June’s “inventory” represented the “i”. I’m struggling on what to share tonight. Acknowledging that I am uncertain what to write about makes me human. I think it’s because I…
Experiment: Empower and Reclaim
Last month’s experiment was empower, focused on my intra and interpersonal relationships. It led to so many questions. What am I empowered to change in my own life? How can I show up as my full self, at my various professional roles, within my new relationship, while being a student, at church, and while volunteering…
Experiment: Play and Empower
It’s my half birthday today. It also marks 3 years since I broke up with my partner, L. This end of my first adult relationship catapulted Colorado. I’ve written about the transitions, shifts in spaces, new network of friends, and changes in work. But never the breakup. Today is the day. 3 years ago, I…
Experiment: Express and Play
March brings month 3 of my foray into “experiment“, my word for 2024. Continuing with the theme of choice and acting on them (empowering confidence and fueling passion), I have 2 verbs today. February’s focus on “express” led to: Expressing my sunshiny self through wearing yellow every day Posting about it on my personal social…
Experiment: Engage and Express
Welcome (back) to my word for the year posts! In case you missed last month’s post, “experiment” is my word for 2024. On the 10th of every month, I plan to set small challenges for myself. Focused on fun, feeling, and actually doing things, “experiment” merits play, trying, and failing. Previous words of the year…
Experiment: Word for 2024
Welcome (back) to my word for the year! How can I add more curiosity to my life? What little changes can I make to feel more engaged, inspired, or playful? Enter my word for 2024: Experiment. How do I set my focus, intention, or word of the year? Unlike a resolution that tends to have…