Every Wednesday in March 2022, I am sharing one #womxninprogress, detailing the work of a creative, inspiring womxn in my life. Click here to learn about these spotlights and/or submit a spotlight.
I am so excited to share Marissa Postler with you! Marissa is a fellow lover of lists, music teacher, soulful singer, and city council member, residing in Michigan. She’s a multi-potentialite like me and my best friend. Read on to discover some creative mantras (in bold), explore her process of debuting her solo album, and enjoy learning why she’s simply one rockstar lady!
Marissa’s Mantra #1: I do things by myself, for myself, and against myself.
Marissa and I co-wrote this mantra together after one of our life talks/strategy sessions/best friend catch-ups. As Marissa says, “our relationship [is] a support hotline, brainstorm bouncing, hype woman sisterhood.” (Doesn’t this wholesome, #womxnsupportingwomxn bring you joy?) This cardinal mantra helps set intention; creative work is still very much work. Just like fellow feminist Taylor Swift, Marissa creatively, analytically translated past thoughts about relationships into present-day art, a debut solo album called Jesus Issues. Marissa says that completing this album “made succeeding… feel almost rebellious.” This let her express past feelings about herself and others whilst allowing this time of her life to be finished (a great definition of success). Has anyone ever sang, “done is better than perfect”? Perhaps Marissa. But I think you’ll agree: Marissa’s sound hits many high notes, with help from strings (such as Marissa’s own keys and bass), horn, viola, cello, mixing and mastering by her fiancé Aaron, and Marissa harmonizing with herself!
Marissa’s Mantra #2: Be more punk rock.
Both Marissa and I like to say we are former emo kids who are now transitioning to different #aesthetic (and, let’s be real, aspirational) choices. Both of us work for schools in various capacities, but I think it’s punk rock to do amazing things, regardless of status or payment. Punk rock as a movement supports individual liberty, and Marissa herself is working on protecting her identity, including her voice, name, and time. A kazoo acts as an aide to “use [my voice] for my own passion projects instead of coming home hoarse every day.” In addition, her stage name or nom de plume of “Rissa Jade” is in honor of her favorite color, green. In fact, both of us have tried green hair in different times of our lives.
Marissa’s Mantra #3: Live mas.
Yes, this mantra comes from a certain food venue most readers all know and kinda, sorta love. Now that Marissa’s debut album is recorded (with promotional content and a single released every few weeks), Marissa is excited to be currently writing songs again. After that, Mar will arrange her next album, her favorite part of making music. Marissa also has quite literally set the stage, at both work and home, to make music more fun and accessible: “Bringing an actual stage mic and guitar amp into my classroom has been game changing, along with vocal therapy.” Like me, Marissa keeps moving forward, but I hope external reminders like this blog post help her honor and cherish her accomplishments!

enjoyed many life talks and concerts together.
Kaylies’s Mantra #1: Give yourself space and time.
While this debut solo album was 3 YEARS in the making, Marissa is promoting the album through releasing singles, before sharing Jesus Issues in its entirety on her upcoming BIRTHDAY, May 14th! What a gift. Plus, by giving time for each single, her audience may grow, as one radio station already has asked her to talk and perform while friends and family start listening to (Ma)rissa, and external people start following her. Perhaps she’ll even share some virtual concerts in her favorite space, the Woman Cave, in her house? While Marissa’s given herself “color, joy, and creative freedom” in the Woman Cave, with separate work stations for music making and visual arts (resulting in one wall getting the finger paint treatment), her sensitivity to time is still a work in progress. Marissa says, “I have gotten very protective over my weekend time because I am at my best creatively when I can wake up on a non-work day and hyper focus from morning until night. It feels like maybe I let the pendulum swing too far in the hyper focus direction lately so I’ve been trying to meet myself in the middle somewhere. Now that the album is done, I feel much more at peace and in control over my time.” Marissa is human, after all: cultivating time for the dishes and the like is still a must-do.
Kaylie’s Mantra #2: As a creative, YOU choose the mediums that work for you.
As a marketer and media scholar, some might not understand my mantra, but I firmly believe external mediums do not serve everyone (hence my website exists as a social media alternative to self-expression). As a fellow creative, Marissa has considered a handful of mediums. Once Mar started promoting RJ on her private Facebook page, she remembered she’s tried this very emotional roller coaster before, when she successfully ran for city council. With this in mind, Marissa is happily NOT sharing Rissa Jade on every medium (sorry, not sorry). As I told Mar, YOU know your work (and worth) better than anyone, so choose wisely. But not to worry: you can find Marissa throughout the cyberspace, from outtakes of our photoshoot on Rissa Jade’s Instagram, to handwritten lyric videos on YouTube, to music wherever you stream (I’m partial to Spotify myself).
Kaylie’s Mantra #3: Embrace and express your gifts.
Creatives are blessed with the gift(s) of expression, and we can support society (and sometimes, ourselves) as educators, influencers, and collaborators. It is an amazing experience to work with fellow artists. I am so happy to work and do life with Marissa as her best friend. She’s taught me the best way to support one another is to simply be our passionate, creative, thoughtful selves. BUT I had a blast helping her become Rissa Jade for a day, taking photos in the midst of the pandemic, finding locations outside of churches in our home-state of WI. We are drafting artwork and scheduling content for the album. And Mar is also embracing collaboration with another wonderful artist: she and Aaron are currently arranging a symphony for their wedding (of which I’m ordaining!). Says Marissa about this new stage: “Since we are both musicians, and we love writing music separately and together, composing the music for our wedding feels like the perfect passion project for us to embark on together as we enter this new chapter in our lives.”

releasing single by single, starting with “I Can’t Love You”!
Marissa’s first single, “I Can’t Love You” was launched this past Friday, February 25th. Listen, leave a comment about this amazing #womxninprogress, and rock on!
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