Life has provided grace this week! Has the universe given you grace? Have you given it? As a “word nerd”, I am continually inspired by the many denotations and connotations of grace. In case you missed it, grace is my word for the year, and I am applying grace to different ideas that start with…
Author: KaylieLongley
Grace and God, Grounding, and Going
Welcome to Post 2 on my discoveries into grace, my word for 2022. I’ve been thinking about where grace comes from. I’m currently defining “grace” as giving awareness to space and time, thinking and feeling. This definition is slightly different from my first grace post, where I announced grace as my word for the year….
Website Goals for February 2022
I am SO glad I’ve crafted this space online to create a workflow and a living, breathing journal of my work and words. When I launched this website in 2019, I had many goals before “settling” on my name, from “Introvert Guide to Life” to “Word Nerd.” I am happy to share that different webpages…
Word for 2022: Grace
Has anyone tried to live by a word for the year? I’ve followed author Gretchen Rubin for a long time, and though I don’t always agree with her views (such as my uncertainty of her personality book, The Four Tendencies), I’ve passively enjoyed her annual tradition of living by (or at least, writing) one word…
Single Photo Challenge
I’m a media scholar, marketer, and work in progress minimalist, and I have A LOT of feelings about social media challenges. These digital challenges often seem innocent enough and have potential to do some good (beyond vanity “likes”), but they can also create disconnections and shame. Take the 10-year challenge. As a blogger who has…
Can you be the same person in a different space?
What have I learned about myself during these 4 months in my new home? By physically separating myself from my old life, I have formed a boundary, a space between what I was, who I associated with, and what I worked for. I’ve slooowly stripped myself away from many associations and have befriended solitude, favoring…
Giving myself space
I’m in the process of giving myself space. I’ve written on my obsession of using time well, and I’ve also discussed giving space for habits to cultivate identities. But what about space for myself? I’m learning to respect my personal space. When I was dating someone, I naturally saw much of their pov. Even though…
Midwest to West Tips
I moved to Denver nearly two months(!) ago, and I’m still exploring. Despite the magnitude of transplants, most guides are dedicated to tourism and assume you’re a member of a family. Though I have two awesome roommates and coworkers, I suppose I’m a “young professional”, not necessarily looking for networking. Instead, I’m finding friends. If…
(Re)establishing routine after a big change
Oh, hello again, world. It’s been a minute (okay, 2-ish months) since I’ve written last. In that time, I’ve moved to a new state, thanks to a new job. Blogging’s been on my mind. And so has change. I’d rather not write clichés. But I can tell you what I’m feeling, how I’m reacting, and…
Transitioning a summer routine
It’s 11:26pm, and I’m surrounded with half-filled boxes. I could be sleeping. Packing. Or getting some jumping jacks in. But instead I am blogging. After last week’s attempt at standardizing schedules, including overtly adding that includes writing more regularly, it’s been an awesome week. I’m trying to keep some routines going during this time: My…